A fear of the Dentist is a highly common thing – with many of us avoiding a visit until it’s absolutely necessary – usually because we are in considerable pain!
As many as one in four of us can feel anxious before a dental check-up but for many others this fear develops into a phobia with the mere thought of visiting a dentist causing symptoms including faintness, heart palpitations and shaking.
There is no particular reason for developing a fear of the dentist and it can happen to anyone at any time. More often than not it arises as a result of a negative experience in the past- normally in childhood. Anything from a painful or failed treatment, lengthy complications or an unsympathetic dentist who didn’t take the time to fully explain a procedure can all be contributing factors.
When a fear develops into a dental phobia it can be all encompassing- and those people who require immediate treatment due to serious dental problems will often choose to simply live with their issues- and can often be in significant pain as a result.
Let us help you overcome your fears
It’s really important to try and deal with the problem before you get to this stage. Don’t live in pain because you are scared. If you can visit the dentist on a regular basis for quick, comfortable check-ups it’s much more likely you’ll avoid the need for more involved treatments in the future.
Intravenous sedation
At Dentist @ 6 we are pleased to offer intravenous sedation. This highly effective sedation is administered quickly and comfortably with a needle in your hand. It will help you relax and feel calm. You will be able to communicate with your Dentist although most likely won’t be fully aware of what is going on around you!
Please do bear in mind that the effects of intravenous sedation can take several hours to wear off and because of this you will need to bring a friend or family member with you to your appointment so that they can help you get home. You will also need to make sure someone is around to look after you for a few hours after your procedure.
Tips to help:
- Visit your practice regularly and get to know your dentist. Likewise, they can get to know you and your specific needs.
- Remember that prevention is better than cure. By visiting for regular check-ups you can avoid the need for very scary and lengthy work. More often than not a standard check-up will be quick and pain-less.
- Be honest! Don’t be embarrassed or worried to tell us your fears. We’ll do all we can to make your visit a bearable (even pleasant!) experience. We have dealt with many nervous patients in the past.
- Distract yourself! Bring some headphones so you can listen to music, perhaps read a book or magazine in the waiting room.
- Get it over with! Book your appointment early in the morning- so you don’t’ have to worry about it all day.
- Agree signals with the dentist- we are happy to agree on a sign (perhaps a raised hand) to indicate when you need a break.